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Cliven: cosmetics made in Italy since 1958

Hands & Foot

Deodorant cream talcum effect, 100 ml

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9253_FOOT RANGE crema deodorante effetto talco_6079.jpg

Deodorant cream talcum effect, 100 ml


The innovative formula of the deodorant cream "talcum-effect" for the feet effectively absorbs most perspiration, prevents and eliminates any unpleasant odour, and ensures a pleasant, long lasting sensation of freshness and softness.

It contains most efficient active principles: 
Tapioca starch, that effectively absorbs perspiration and keeps your skin dry and soft;
Menthol, with soothing, refreshing, and deodorant properties
Alkyl lactate and Triclosan, that working in synergy prevent unpleasant odours from forming while keeping your feet fresh and dry.

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